How Boomer Women are Taking Retirement Head On

How Boomer Women are Taking Retirement Head On

Boomer women are reshaping their identities and focus in retirement according to the new book, Thriving in Retirement: Lessons from Baby Boomer Women. According to authors Anne C. Coon and Judith Ann Feuerherm, the retiring Boomer women are committed to exploring new post-career identities while finding ways to stay socially engaged, share their professional expertise, and develop deeply held personal interests and passions.

Through their interviews of twenty-five “boomer women”, the authors found that these women took on retirement with the same resourcefulness, confidence and zeal they did with their careers.


About 40% of the women said working part-time in retirement was either somewhat or very important — often for psychological reasons more than financial.  Some of the women interviewed saw retirement as a reconstruction of their identities. Interestingly, this brought more changes into play, moving into a new space or remodeling their homes.

As the authors explained, Boomer women were not just moving into retirement – they were taking it head on! They have no reservation about entering this phase in the same way they had when they entered their careers. It’s a phase they are excited and energized by.

Financial advisors play an important role in helping you think about how much money you need to retire, and how you can manage your money right now so you can get there sooner. At Financial Consulting Group we take the time to listen to you so that we can help you discover what you want out of the next phase of your life and how we can help you get there. Call us today to set up a free, no obligation consultation and let us help you take retirement HEAD ON!